Movie Review: IT : by Shashwat Pathak

IT is based on Stephen King’s 1986 novel of the same name. It is a horror flick based in the period of the original novel. The story revolves around a group of kids and an ancient creature terrorizing the town. As the story progresses, the group of kids realize that they are all in fact running from the same creature and must band together to stop it. More than a horror story, IT is about adulthood, facing your fears and growing up. Make no mistake, all the horror elements are here and are well executed but they often take a back seat to the growth that these individual characters experience.

IT starts relatively slow and takes some time to pick up pace. All the events happening in the beginning appear to be random and can confuse the viewer but they do form a coherent story by the end. My only gripe with the movie is the initial pacing as it felt a little disorienting. The movie does not shy away from showing adult content on the screen. Blood, sexism, racism, oppression, paranoia and other difficult-to-handle topics are covered relatively well in the movie.  It is refreshing to see a horror movie which retains the elements of a clichéd horror movie while innovating with character development and multiple layers of storytelling.

Bill Skarsgard performs exceptionally well as IT. Every scene with him is entertaining and terrifying at the same time. The rest of the cast is also memorable for their roles and their characters leave a lasting effect on the viewer. The IT is a must watch for any horror fan and easily worth your time.

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