Interview and Book review- Towards Winning- Dr. Karunakar B. : by Kashish Saini & Shreya G.

It was on one lazy Sunday afternoon, I have decided to hit the bookstore and get myself a good book. As I was strolling down the management section I came across this book “Towards  Winning”. As a first-year Student pursuing MBA this book seemed to be like any other management book which come up with the same old techniques which are supposed to bring in a great transformational change. After knowing more about the author Dr.Karunakar and skimming through reviews & preface, I have decided to get this book.

I was Completely taken aback and my first impression towards this book changed as I kept turning each page. Dr.Karunakar wonderfully takes us through a step by step journey of becoming not only a great leader but also a successful person, through his protagonist Dev. The author portrays Dev as an ambitious person who never gives up on his dreams and who works towards them with a zealot. Dev starts his life as an engineer and ends up being Dean of premium B-School through needles and thorns.

The most intriguing part of the book is that it is not a typical management self-help book but it is a lot more than that. He takes you through a journey of 6 steps to transform one’s life with graphs, real-life examples, day-to-day incidents, learning’s and action plans. It is a perfect 160 pages work-book to your managerial dream. The book helps you to analyze yourself and you end up finding more about you. Dr.Karunakar beautifully brings out his concepts by talking about great personnel such as Mahatma Gandhi, Sachin Tendulkar, Amitabh Bachan and also by giving examples through award-winning movies like Lagaan and ChakDe India.

At the end of the book, Dr.Karunakar successfully conveniences us that being an Inner and Outer winner, with problem-solving skills and by Re-Engineering yourself constantly, we will find ourselves at the other end of our dream tunnel.

Interview Link

Book Review: Kane and Abel: by Yugant

A riveting, albeit slightly predictable tale, Kane and Abel narrates the story of two men – one from the riches of the new world, the other dumped into destitution – who’s paths are put on a collision course by fate. It’s an engaging tale of circumstances, perseverance, and perspective. Spanning across 6 decades, the story takes you on a journey – from scenic Poland, to corporate America, from upscale Manhattan, to concentration camps in Russia – that keeps you on edge. For all who enjoy Jeffery Archer novels, this is a must.

Book Review: An Ember in the Ashes – Saba Tahir:by Suneeva R. Patadi

The story is set in a land called Serra where the ruling authority is called Empire. The Empire recruits merciless soldiers called Masks.

The lead characters are Laia and Elias. Laia is a scholar, a low class citizen and Elias is a mask who detests the Empire. He is the best soldier at Empire. Anyone who doesn’t pledge their support to the Empire faces consequences. The Commander of the Empire is Elias’ mother, who hates him.

Laia goes undercover as the Commander’s slave to provide information regarding the activities in the Empire academy in exchange for help from the Rebels to save her brother’s life.

She had been brought up by her grandparents in a loving home and now sees the other side of life. Constant cuts, whipping and other forms of abuses does not deter her from spying for the Rebels. Her only hope of seeing her brother again is to spy on the Empire.

Elias is one among four selected to be the next ruler of Empire. Helene Aquilla, Marcus and Zak Farrar and Elias must take part in the Trials, a series of tests that will decide who the next ruler. However, Elias has no wish to take the tests, or be ruler. He wants to escape the Empire. But escape means death.

When Elias meets Laia, the two realize that their paths are more intertwined than they could have ever imagined.

The events that unfold keeps you on the edge of the seat. You’ll find yourself constantly hoping that Laia does not get caught.


Book Review: To Kill a Mocking bird – Harper Lee :by Suneeva R. Patadi

Set in the town of Maycomb, USA, the novel is about two children Jem and Scout Finch. They live with their principled father Atticus, who is a lawyer. They live in a neighborhood of farmers. The town is steeped in racial prejudices. The novel is written from Scout Finch’s perspective as she recalls the events that unfold.

It’s all quotidian until Atticus Finch decides to take up a case to defend a black man. Everyone familiar starts to turn hostile towards them. The children are taken back by this sudden animosity. The events the follow are the repercussions of the father’s case regardless of what’s right and wrong.

As it is from the child’s point of view, there’s a lot of innocence and humor of what she understands. Scout tries to constantly comprehend what is happening around her. It brings out a child’s mindset, which is fun to read.

Overall, it is a beautifully written story in a raw, true sense and keeps you hooked on till the end!

Book Review: As the Crow Flies – Jeffery Archer by Karthik N S A

The only thing young Charlie trumper wishes for, is to someday take over his grandfather’s wheelbarrow , fast-forward 20 years and trumpers is now a household name. The trumpers are known for their honest yet shrewd business practices. All this however, comes at prices far exceeding their imagination and making enemies who will stop at nothing to ruin them.

A book spanning through 4 generations and 3 continents. Follows through the ups and downs of the trumpers.