Movie Review – Forrest Gump: by Srinavya

This movie is based on the book by the same name written by Winston Groom. The movie is about a man named Forrest Gump and spans across several decades of his life who witnesses many historical events in the 20th century of United States like pop-culture, civil rights movement, Vietnam War, Watergate scandal and many more. The leading man character was played by “Tom Hanks”, whose characteristics were of a slow-witted but kind-hearted and sympathetic man with an IQ of 75. The movie is a mixture of both comedy and drama which jells well so perfectly that neither of those feels as extremities, at the same time balances each other. The lead actor who is known for getting into the skin of the roles that he plays doesn’t disappoint this time either. He not just adapts the character but also gives a new dimension and meaning to the character which makes us look at life in a different way. His character has a blissful ignorance and warmly embraced nature which was never shown before. Tom Hanks plays the character so well that even after decades the future generation will remember fondly. The background score and writing go together so perfectly that neither makes it feel out of place. The supporting characters Jenny Curran, Lieutenant Dan Taylor Bubba Blue and Mrs Gump played by Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Mykelti Williamson and sally field respectively has given a breath-taking performance. The screenplay was written so well that the movie flows more fluid like than water.

There are some memorable moments in the film like when Jenny comes to the rescue of Forrest and asks him to run when a man calls Forrest stupid and his mother tells him that ‘stupid is as stupid does’ and the heartwarming moments between Forrest and his lieutenant.

It is a very sweet and heart-warming film after watching which will leave a smile on your face and heart filled with emotions. All in all, the movie is a sweet box of chocolates.